Gwen Hammond's Upper Echelon

I am Gwen Hammond, scarf designer, CEO, and founder of the Chatillon-sur-Glane Leisure Group. If you'd like a full colour catalogue of my fashions, please send an email.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Lebanon Special Offer from Green Line Real Estate

The bombs they are a flyin' - and you know what that means: the homes we are a sellin'! These beautiful homes are going fast, folks. Don't miss this one of a kind opportunity to bring your dreams into reality!

Sure, Beirut is being bombed right now, but you can rest easy because Green Line Real Estate has already been given the inside scoop on detailed economic forecast models that were recently conducted by our privately funded researchers. We anticipate selling quite a few homes in the area of Beirut proper.

But for now, we are offering you a special deal on this 2-story multi family chateau that is rendition ready! (See above) This beautiful property is located just outside of Beirut in a charming suburb that offers top notch protection better than any gated community. Our special security feature: manned watch towers. You can rest in peace knowing that Green Line's UN peacekeeping force surrounds your beautiful home 24-7. This outstanding and extraordinary property can be yours with little to no effort!

Don't forget to sign up for these amazing programs:

Start a Friendly Fire Fast Funds (4H) Franchise! Repatriate those American funds quickly! GET RICH QUICK: Start a Friendly Fire Fast Funds Franchise!

Take advantage of our 4H Accelerated Sympathy Service (ASS) and receive a Sympathy Anticipation Check* (SAC) – a loan based on your anticipated refund amount and life expectancy. Up to $9,999!

Sign our new 'GLRE Work-to-Own Program' Contract today! Don't miss out! Own your own home by participating in our simple and incredibly easy No Money Down program!

Any questions or concern you might have are welcome. Green Line Real Estate is a Quick & Hammond company that is not affiliated with other international Real Estate firms or their representatives.


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