Gwen Hammond's Upper Echelon

I am Gwen Hammond, scarf designer, CEO, and founder of the Chatillon-sur-Glane Leisure Group. If you'd like a full colour catalogue of my fashions, please send an email.

Monday, May 22, 2006

CoMos: The New Epidemic?

I'd like to take this opportunity before I leave, to thank my friend and fellow Millionaire, Richard Quick, Esq., for drawing attention to the latest absurdities floating around the internet. Please see his site for more information on the social disease that has afflicted this country:

I encourage you to learn about both sides of the story before joining the debate, though making sense of these leftist crackpots can be a bit of a chore.

See you on the Right side,

Gwen Hammond


  • At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Richard Quick is a despot. I really hope that you are not as stupid as I think you are. You know, for a lady such as yourself, you should be ashamed of even leaning toward the right.

    You know, fuck it. You're a stupid bitch.

    You could learn something from Stephen Colbert.

  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger Richard Quick, Millionaire said…

    Excuse me, sir. You cannot speak about a millionaire like that! And you shouldn't speak to a lady like that, either. I formally challenge you to a duel of pistols at dawn, man to man, mano y mano, just you and my groundskeeper Ramon.

    Anonymous, I have read your inane posts across the Internet. Why don't you have the courage to tell us your last name?

    Anonymous, though I think you are a blaguard, a coward, and a liberal, I must say that some of your poetry is quite good. A signed copy of your seminal work Anonymous Poems by Anonymous would go a long way toward healing our rift.

  • At 4:50 AM, Blogger Gwen Hammond said…

    For Heaven's sake, Anonymous!? Have you no manners? I have a nice French lavender bar that might be of interest to you.

    Richard Quick is not a despot; he is a self-made millionaire, like myself. Clearly, you have no concept of what that means. Just because we have more money than you ever will should not be grounds for such hostility.

  • At 1:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Suck my c**k, lady.

    Hey, Dick Wad, you know what? I appreciate the offer but I think it's a little harsh. 

I don't know if I could live with myself if I killed one of your poor Mexican slaves. You know, that is so typical of you all think that just because you have buttloads of money it gives you automatic immunity...I feel really sorry for your groundskeeper, man. 

You are a real f*****n a-hole but thanks for the poetry props.


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